Adding Private Inventory on Web
If you want to add ticket or VIP table inventory on TablelistPro that is internal, and therefore not displayed to the public, first follow the setup instructions below:
Next, in your Inventory, navigate to the appropriate date at the top of the page, then click to open the piece of inventory you wish to be private.
There, go to the Advanced tab, toggle on the Internal button, and press Save.

This inventory will now is now internal, and in order for a customer to make a purchase, they must need to have a direct link.
To send the direct link, in your Inventory, navigate to the appropriate date at the top of the page, then locate the piece of inventory you made private.
Under Fast Pass on the righthand side, click the symbol on the left to copy the URL, then send it to your customers to book. This will bring them directly to a checkout page where they can purchase the internal inventory.